1, Ihama Road, Off Adesuwa Road, GRA, Benin City Edo State.

Amazing Pictures From Communion for breaking limits
Other Photos From The Service

Weekly Prophetic Declaration

 This week is declared your week of favour!
 From today, what troubles others will never trouble you!
 Go and start reigning from today!
 I decree you un-killable and un-molestable by the enemy!
 Your level is supernaturally changing from now!
 Whatever negative circumstance happens to men ordinarily will never happen to you again!
 Your generation will never know poverty again!
 You will never see tension in your life again!
 Your shame is turning to double glory this week!
 Your business wonder breakthrough is landing this week!
 The last battle you lost is the last you will ever lose!
 Everything dying or dead in anyone’s life is quickened back to life now!
 No matter what is consuming the world, it will not come near you!