1, Ihama Road, Off Adesuwa Road, GRA, Benin City Edo State.


DELIVERANCE FROM FIRE ACCIDENT I want to appreciate God for what He has done for me. Firstly, I want to appreciate Him for granting me journey mercies from Lagos to Benin. Secondly, there was a property in Benin that was placed under my supervision; but when I traveled, there was nobody in the house except those in the boys quarters. but when I returned on Monday, I realized that one of the rooms was covered with smoke; with only the mattress and one side of the cabinet destroyed by fire. How God did it that the fire didn't escalate, and burn the whole room is still a mystery; but I have come to return all the glory to God. -Bro. Joseph .O, LFC GRA.   DIVINE HEALING VIA THE MANTLE Praise the Lord! Last Sunday was my first time of worshipping here; I have long been looking for a good church to fellowship with, since I was transferred to Benin. I have been having this headache for 15 years, that only comes at night; and this same affliction was what took the life of my best friend, so I became afraid that I was next. When I came for the last Sunday's mantle impartation service, I got my own handkerchief  and believed that it will produce my own result. Some days after, the headache came. and as instructed by the Resident Pastor, I invoked the God of Bishop David Oyedepo and tied the mantle on my head. To the glory of God, the 15 years ordeal of night headache came to an end, just like that. I have made up my mind to settle down in this Church. I have come to give all the glory to God! -Sis. Juliet .O, LFC GRA.;

SUPERNATURAL CHANGE OF LEVEL I have come to appreciate God for surprising me at work. I got promoted from an ordinary staff to the manager of my company. Thank you, Jesus! -Bro Simon .Z, LFC GRA.   DELIVERANCE FROM INFIRMITY Praise the Lord! I have come to bless the name of the Lord for His faithfulness in my life. August last year, I had an accident that almost claimed my life and barely a year after, which was just last month, I fell seriously ill and thought I was going to die, because all medications showed no result. It was so serious that I couldn't talk, and to make matters worse, people started calling me with different dreams; and all I could tell them was to pray. I started rebuking the spirit of death, and a pastor called to join faith with me. Suddenly, I started reviving; and today, I'm here hale and hearty. Thank you, Jesus! -Sis. Lorita .O, LFC GRA.   SUPERNATURAL CONCEPTION AND DELIEVERY I have come to bless the name of the Lord for giving me safe delivery after 7 miscarriages . While I was pregnant at 5months, I had a dream where I was told, "make we see as she go born this pikin". At 8 months, I went for a scan and was told I would start having contractions any moment; and indeed, the contractions began at 8 months and 3 days. Surprisingly, my EDD came, and nothing happened, but contractions continued. This was on till 11months, and I got tired of carrying pregnancy. During the anniversary celebration, the Lord told me to go and serve him, which I did. On Wednesday of the weeklong celebration, Pastor admonished us to praise God as if we were seeing our miracles already. Although I was already booked for operation by Friday, I praised like never before; and then, the God of Oyedepo showed up on Friday morning. I went in for delivery, and was told to push out my baby since I was already contracting at 6 cm; I did, but nothing happened. I pushed to the point where I could push no further; then the mid wife discovered that the cord was tying my baby's hands and legs. At this point, the midwife and the nurses burst into tongues and started praying, I gathered strength and joined them in prayers. I don't know how God did it, but He did it. I am alive today, and so is my baby. Praise the Lord! -Sis Gbenga .L, LFC GRA.;

Last week Tuesday, I noticed I was bleeding, I thought it was my monthly flow; but I realized I was bleeding from my anus. During the communion service of last Sunday, I told God that I didn't want to return home with that affliction, after partaking of the communion; and to the glory of God, from that Sunday till now, no more bleeding. Thank you, Jesus!  ;

Sis. Blessing .O


I want to thank God for all he has done for me and for using Pastor Chris Iyeke to be a blessing to me. Last month, I lost my job, and it seemed like all hope was lost. During one of the Sunday services, during pastor's ministration, I realized that all of the prophetic declarations were referring to me. so after the service, I went to see him in his office, and narrated my problems to him. He told me to keep believing in God, and never lose faith; that is exactly what i did. Just last week, a family friend called me and asked if I would like to go into business, and I told him yes. Last Sunday, Pastor declared that we would experience financial favour that week, and to my greatest surprise, I received an alert from a friend who said he sent me that money to enable me start up my own business. I have come to return all the glory to God!;

Sis. Esther


I have come to give all the glory to the God who is too faithful to fail. On Tuesday morning, my dad called to tell me about the ordeal he went through, at night. He said he was stooling all through the night, and hence he was very weak and couldn't even see properly. Although he said his brother had gotten him some drugs which had reduced the stooling, I was still bothered. So, I prayed for him, and we asked God to take charge. Just before I left for evening raid, I called to check up on him, and it seemed he was in a worse condition because of how he sounded. During the evening prayer raid, I asked God to take over the situation, especially because I was in his house to pray for the kingdom. After the raid, I called again, and I was told that my dad was rushed to the hospital because he was losing strength. During my night prayers, I focused on praying for others who had health challenges, i the body of Christ. Afterwards, I placed my dad's picture on the floor and thanked God for his healing. By morning, I got a call that my dad was much better, but he couldn't move one of his leg and hand. I took his picture, prayed on it, and took it to the ARP's office as well. the ARP prayed on the picture also, and told me to begin to celebrate God for the victory. by afternoon, my dad called and said that Jesus had healed him; his health has been fully restored!;

Sis. Rita


Turnaround greetings in Jesus name. I have come to return all the glory to God for confirming the word of His servant, Pastor Chris Iyeke. During the next levels banquet service, I had a witness in my spirit that God was about changing my level, just as daddy had declared. The next Monday, I got nominated in my organization to be part of a project team at enterprise level, and this would mean that I will start attending management meetings; amongst other benefits. The wonder of it all is that I am an entry staff, and among the youngest in my organization, but God has chosen to make me sit with kings. Thank You, Jesus!;

Harrison .A


I have been having waist pain for some days, and have been believing God for a miracle. When I heard of a similar testimony in the first service,  I told myself that the second service was the service that will deliver my own healing. All through the word ministration, our resident pastor made several declarations, but he didn't mention my case; in spite of this, I believed in my heart that I will be healed. While the service was still going on, I declared that even though my case wasn't mentioned,  Lord let your servant step down to where I am sitting, nevertheless. Just then, Pastor stood in front of the row where I sat, and I took it as an assurance of my healing. during the anointing oil ministration, Pastor finally mentioned my case, and I knew that was it. At that moment, I realized that I could not find the pain anymore. Thank You, Father!;

Sis. Glory .A


I want to thank the God of a turnaround for visiting my family. My husband works for a multinational organization and he is a top performer with several awards and has even traveled to New York to collect awards for the best staff in West and East Africa combined, but despite all these achievements he was not still promoted to a managerial position, but rather they were creating smaller opportunities for him. We engaged in the kingdom advancement prayers and used our nighttime to pray for our cell members; and suddenly, the God of turnaround showed up. Those in my husband's office who had been sitting on his promotion were removed from the organization, and the senior manager position was vacant. The God of turnaround lifted my husband to that position, with an attractive package that can make someone faint. We return all the glory to God of turnaround.  ;

Sis. Grace Gbemi


I have been having a certain pain around my pelvic region (left side precisely), for some days now. However, when the worship was going on in the first service, I simply told God “You said if I serve you, you will bless my bread and take away my sickness, now I am in my place of service come and take these pains away". Just after the service, I couldn’t feel any pain again!  ;

Sis. Ejiro Osasu


I have been experiencing pains and colds all over my body for the past three days. But this morning, I told myself that I must be made whole in today's healing and deliverance service. During the service, a testimony was shared of how a lady got her own healing in service just as this; and I keyed into it. Just as the service was going on, all the pains and cold started to disappear and when the anointing oil was administered I was made completely whole. Thanks be to God!  ;

Sis. Veronica Nicolas


I have come to give God all the glory for what he has done for me. When I was younger, I had a dislocation in my right hand, and ever since then, I have been having severe pain in the hand; this has been for years, and it always gives me discomfort. The pains came again this month, and this time it was as never before. However, as I came in contact with the anointing oil, I applied it to the hand and all the pains completely disappeared. I have come to give glory to God for the perfection of my miracle.;

Sis. Ngozi Rueben


Praise God! Just this morning between the hours of 6 and 8, I realized that I had gone to the toilet 5times; which meant that I was stooling. I began to reconsider my going to church in order to avoid embarrassment, but then I remembered that it was a covenant day of healing and deliverance service, so I made up my mind to go. I stayed all through the 2nd service with no feeling of using the restroom. I have been healed. Thank you, Jesus!  ;

Sis. Efua


Praise the Lord! I have been having chronic ulcer since 2013 and have been on drugs. However, the pains resurfaced, and even while I was in church, they were there. During Pastor's ministration, he prophesied that anyone living with chronic ulcer pain should receive healing immediately. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach and then the pains disappeared. I want to return the glory to God of this commission and the healing shall be Permanent in Jesus' name!;

Sis. Oseghae  Blessing



Praise the Lord! The week of our anniversary celebration, my one-year-old son fell ill. I and my wife took him to the hospital, but there was found to be nothing wrong with him. We further went for a scan, as instructed by the doctor and it was found out that his intestines were blocked. We were admonished to get him ready for surgery, but I refused, but he was however put on admission. I came to church for the anniversary thanksgiving service on Sunday, and during the service, Pastor Adeboye prayed on our hands, as well as the mantle. In that light, I went to the hospital to see my son with the mantle and other kingdom mysteries. As soon as I got there, I applied the mantle on him; a few hours later, my son went to the toilet effortlessly, for the first time in days. We went for a repeat of the scan, and no intestinal blockage was found again.

Secondly, during last week's Sunday service, our Resident Pastor declared that we would find favor in the sight of our supervisors that week; and I received it. I have been running a 2year program for 4years now, because of my supervisor. But that week, I went to see him, and God granted me unusual favor in his sight.

I have come to say "thank you, Jesus"!


Bro. Olukayode .T,



I have come to return all the glory to God. Last night, I noticed I had a serious cramp-like waist pain. I came to church every expectant today, and after I partook of the anointing oil in the second service, the pains completely disappeared. Secondly, God granted me a promotion in my office.

Thank you, Jesus!


Sis. Gladys


I have come to thank this great God for what he has done in my life. For a year now, my account has been reading “red”, but God has been seeing me through. Last Wednesday, during the service, Pastor Chris declared that someone who came to the service having nothing and tagged as a NOBODY will return with a change of story. He also declared that our financial struggles are over. I knew he was talking to me, so I grabbed those prophecies with tears in my eyes. Just as I got home, I got an alert. My brother credited my account with a lot of money. I have come to say “Thank you, Jesus”! ;

Sis. Vivian .O

“I came to this Church 3 Sundays ago, I repair generators but for years, my life was miserable. I trained a lot of people and when they were through with their training, they did better than me, they marry with good homes. But for the past twenty-seven years, I have been laboring without anything to show. I would make a lot of money from my business and bring the money to my house in the night, but by the following morning, the money would literally disappear. This continued for a long time. Nobody had the key to my house and my windows were not burgled; yet, money continued to disappear all the time. At a point, I started keeping the money with my friend and was able to save a sizeable sum. I then decided to get married since I was able to save. Two months after the wedding, my wife died and I went back to square one When I came to this church, I gave my life to Christ and was given a package along with other new converts. When I got home, I decided to start keeping my money inside this package. But to my surprise, my money no longer got lost in the house. One morning, I found dead, two long-mouthed rats dead in the corner of my room around the location of this package which now serve as my safe. That same morning, I received news that two of my uncles died in the village. From that day till date, my money no longer disappeared mysteriously in my house. I give glory to the God of Winners! ;

Bro. Amos .S.

I have come to give God all the glory. When the covid-19 pandemic started, the Lord laid it in my heart to make face mask and distribute for free in my office; this was when people were making money from face mask, but still, I obeyed. Last week, I got a call from my state director asking me how much it would cost to make face mask for an international organization. I told her the amount and made a sample for her. During the week of spiritual emphasis, on Friday precisely, Pastor Chris asked us to dance, and I did with all my heart. I was still in church when my phone rang, and when I received it, it was my husband telling me that a friend had just gifted him half a million Naira. As if that wasn't’t enough, I got home to meet 2 miss calls from my state director; and when I called back, she told me to go ahead with the production of the first 1000 face masks, which cost hundreds of thousands of Naira. Indeed, praise facilitates fulfillment of prophecies! ;

Sis. Joy .O

Praise the Lord! I have come to appreciate this Jehovah overdo. Last year, I began a process to secure a job abroad, but the covid-19 pandemic did not allow it to go through. By September, the process resurfaced. Today to the glory of God, I have a very good job in the UK, and all my travel expenses fully paid for. Secondly, I made a decision to tap into the favour upon Pastor Chris Iyeke, by personally praying for him. Since I commenced that line of prayer in March, I have been enjoying supernatural favors. Thank you, Jesus! ;

Mrs Evelyn .I

DIVINE PROMOTION I want to bless the name of the Lord for his faithfulness in my family and also for confirming prophecy in my life. All through last week the Resident Pastor  kept declaring someone would be divinely promoted; I held on to that word. During the covenant hour of prayer of Tuesday, a testimony was read of someone who got double promotion by believing prophetic declaration. My faith was boosted up and I kept believing it for my daughter. On Thursday, my daughter came back from work and said that some of her colleagues had been given appointment letter, but hers had an error on it. She also said that due to the error, there would be a delay. I rejected it, and told her that her letter would come before the week runs out. To God be the glory, by Friday, she was given her promotion letter. I give all the glory to God!  ;

Sis. George .S


SUPERNATURAL PRESERVATION OF LIFE Praise the Lord. Sometime ago, three of my children travelled abroad, two of which just gained admission. On getting there, they were caught up with the corona virus. I was called and told that a vaccine was been given to all students in my son’s school, but he refused taking it. To our greatest surprise, all his schoolmates tested positive to the virus, but God exempted my children. Also, God has granted my children favour in their school, and they are top of their classes. I give all the glory to God!  ;

Barr. Antonia .A


DIVINE EXEMPTION I have come to return all the glory to God. My sister who stays in France and works as a nurse always calls me to lament about the situation of the corona virus over there. I told her not to be scared, that I always declare exemption for her when I pray. To the glory of God, 12 health workers were tested for the virus at her place of work with 9 of them testing positive; my sister tested negative. Thank you, Jesus! -Sis. Naomi, LFC GRA.;

Sis. Naomi


RESCUE FROM DEATH I have come to return all the glory to God. in the month of August, I began having strange thoughts and feelings that I was going to die soon. One day when I went to the market, I hit my head on the vehicle roof, and fell on the express road while a vehicle approached me with very high speed. To the glory of God, the vehicle stopped very close to me and I was not hurt. Secondly, I suffered a severe headache a week after that accident, and I kept reminding God of his covenant of long life with me. And to the glory of God, God miraculously healed me on my birthday. I give all the glory to God!;

Sis. Lorita .O


SUPERNATURAL PRESERVATION OF LIFE I have come to give God all the glory. My boss was diagnosed with multiple fibroids, and was advised to go for an operation. Being that she had gone for that operation before, and had some underlying health conditions, she was told that the operation would be a 50-50 chance. I told her not to fear, but to trust the God of this commission. I encouraged her to engage the mystery of praise and see God in action. To the glory of God, the operation was successful and she is alive, hale and hearty.;

Sis. Victory .S


SUPERNATURAL SPEED Praise the Lord! I have come to appreciate God on behalf of my last daughter. She got admission to the university at age 14, and despite the worries of people, she graduated successfully. Today, she has been called to bar. Thank you, Jesus!  ;

Sis. Maureen .E


I have come to return all the glory to God. I went into labour on the 13th of July, and while in the delivery room, so many things happened. But to God be the glory, I put to birth on the 14th of July. But after my baby came out, we were referred to UBTH because of some complications. On getting there we were told that the chances of her surviving was 50-50. I got home and turned the matter over to God. I prayerfully extracted my breast milk and took to the nurses to feed my daughter with. To the glory of God, as soon as she started feeding, she miraculously recovered; and this was a surprise to all. Today, she is in church alive, hale and hearty. I give all the glory to God! ;

Mrs Paul .J


I have come to give God all the glory. Last week, my baby fell sick and when I took him for treatment, he was given some malaria drugs. When I got home, I noticed that one of the drugs was for children up to one year, but my son was less than a year. I called my husband, and he encouraged me to administer the drug, since I wasn’t the doctor that prescribed it. I gave it to him, and three days later, he started stooling and vomiting. I went back to the doctor, and he said I should repeat the drugs. Few days after, my son became so weak that he couldn’t even talk again and he wasn’t responding to his name or to touch. We immediately rushed him to the hospital, and when we got there, I was asked what happened. After showing the doctor the drugs I was given, I was told that he was reacting to the drug overdose. I administered the blood and the anointing to him, and today my baby is alive. I have come to appreciate God!;

Mrs. Sam .V


Praise the Lord! I have come to appreciate God because on the 6th of January this year, I would have been a dead man; I had a terrible accident, on my way to Benin, that claimed the lives of 3 people that were in the same vehicle with me. According to the rescue team, they would have added me to the corpses being taken to the mortuary, until someone looked and noticed I was still breathing. When I woke up in the hospital, I overheard the nurses saying that I would not last the next 30 minutes, but I held strong to God’s word and my assurance of longevity in Christ. I was however badly wounded. My right hand pulled off from the socket, came out of the ankle and was somewhere around my abdomen. At the same time, my PCV dropped to 13% and immediately. I was transfused with 1pint of blood and miraculously, the PCV rose to 31%. But I have come to appreciate God because today, I am strong, hale, hearty and using the right hand that got disconnected. Also, God will be adding another year to my years tomorrow. Thank you, Jesus!;

Bro. Goshen Okojie


DIVINE RESTORATION AND HEALING I have come to return all the glory to this good God who never fails. Last month, my daughter called and complained that she was feeling pains in her eyes and feet. I told her to go to the hospital, since she was close to one. Surprisingly, not long after, I got a call that she was rushed to the hospital because she was barely breathing and couldn’t talk. I turned to God in prayers, and reminded him of his promises; I also contacted my father (Resident Pastor) and my home cell. While prayers were going on, my daughter was resuscitated with oxygen, and gradually became stable. Today, I have come to appreciate God for saving my daughter who is hale and hearty now; she went to the hospital, where we saw death all around, but she came out alive. Thank you, Jesus!;

Mrs. Orji .I


ESCAPE FROM DEATH I have come to return all the glory to this good God. In 2018, my parents miraculously joined me in this commission; my mother who is 72years old, became so serious with serving God, joined the sanctuary unit and engaged in sharing of fliers every Saturday after sanctuary cleaning. Last week, my mum was involved in a very fatal accident, with my uncle, in which the car somersaulted severally and landed with the tires facing the sky. To the glory of God, my 72year old mother came out unhurt, and was even praying for my uncle who was barely breathing; and he was resuscitated. Today, they are both alive, thank you Jesus!;

Sis. Linda .A


5 YEARS BARRENNESS TERMINATED I have come to glorify the name of the Lord for wiping my tears. During Shiloh 2018, I came believing God for a turnaround in the life of my daughter who had been married for 5years without a child. At the anointing service, I anointed her picture and declared her fruitful. In 2019, she was confirmed pregnant; today, she is in London nursing her baby. Praise the Lord!;

Mrs. Vera .O


SUPERNATURAL HEALING AND MIRACLE ALERT I have come to return all the glory to God. For over a week, I was passing out blood. This happened in 2015, and when I went to the hospital, I was told that I had a stomach injury, and if I didn’t stop fasting, it would keep reoccurring. This month’s spiritual week of emphasis, I made up my mind to fast, having the faith that I would receive my healing when I partake of the communion. To God be the glory, as soon as I took the communion on Wednesday, the flow of blood ceased; never to return again. Secondly, my brother called that he wasn’t feeling well and before we knew it, we got a call from his neighbors that he was been rushed to the hospital because he had been vomiting. Amidst the panicking at home, I simply declared “It is well with him”, and was at peace. That same day, my brother called that he was perfectly fine. Lastly, our father declared on Thursday that before the end of the day, we would receive a miracle alert; which I received with a loud “Amen”. By 11pm, I got a call and before 12am the next day, I received an alert.;

Sis. Osaretin Efe .I


DIVINE HEALING I have come to give God all the glory. My twin sister had been challenged in her health for the past 3moths. I ran to the Resident Pastor , who prayed for her and told me to visit her and place a call across to him so he could pray with my sister on the phone; which I did. To the glory of God, my sister’s health has been restored. Secondly, two weeks ago, I slipped and fell in the bathroom; but to God be the glory, I didn’t hit my head or sustain any injury. I have come to appreciate God!;

Sis. MaryJane


HEALING FROM KIDNEY STONES VIA THE ANOINTING Praise the Lord! On the 15th of last month, I started experiencing sharp pain in my abdomen, I was even admitted in the hospital. I reached out to our father (Resident Pastor ) who came to see me in the hospital. Even after being discharged, the pains persisted; and then my wife took me to Aba. I went back to the hospital for scans and series of tests and the results showed that I had kidney stones. I rejected the results! My wife bought me 6bottles of Eva water, and dropped the anointing oil into each bottle ; just after drinking 4bottles, everything flushed out! I have been perfectly made whole.;

Mr. Sule


SUPERNATURAL BREAKTHROUGHS I have come to testify of the goodness of God in my life. In the midst of the year, the Holy Ghost gave me a strategy that helped me bring at least 4souls to church every Sunday, online; then God showed up. I wrote an international exam some time ago, and the result came out showing that I had failed. I rejected the result, and applied for the result to be re-marked; behold, the new result just came out with a score in the top 5%. In this season where people are losing jobs, I have gotten over 6job offers. Secondly, my wife and daughter visas that has been denied 4times, has been granted. Thirdly, the Lord supernaturally healed me of a serious eye disease by faith. Indeed, serving God pays!;

Bro. Peter .E.


DIVINE HEALING AND SUPERNATURAL BREAKTHROUGH I have come to return all the glory to God for His goodness in my life and in my family. Last month, my husband was sick; it started with fever, but the fever kept spiking. Sometimes, he would feel better, and then he would break down again. I was so confused last Sunday at the situation of his health, but right here in church, I told God to take control. To the glory of God, by Thursday he was better and now he’s back on his feet. Secondly, I want to appreciate God on behalf of my husband’s younger brother who ran for the office of the NBA president. Against all odds, and without being an SAN, God gave him a landslide victory. I have come to return all the glory to God for honoring my family!;

Mrs Rita .A


12YEARS BODY ITCHING DISAPPEARED I have come to return all the glory to the God of this commission. last two weeks, I bought the book “Possessing your possession” at the dominion book store but was really lazy in reading it. Two days ago, I told myself that I would try to finish up the book; that same day, I had a dream where a man told me to give myself a target that day, and finish up the book, so I did. Towards the end of the book, Papa shared a testimony of how a man came to Shiloh 2018 with body itching of over 15years, and got healed; I dived into that testimony, and God did it. Today, I am free from body itching that had lasted for over 12years. To God be all the glory!;

Sis. Oritsedola


PRESERVATION OF LIFE Praise the Lord! I have come to appreciate God for giving me life. I was booked for an operation on the 15th of June, and just before that day, it was discovered that all my tests results were missing. I had to redo all the tests again, and in the midst of that, it was discovered that my blood volume was just 12%. This made the operation a risky one, but I am here to testify today that the operation was successful. I am hale and hearty. Thank you, Jesus.;

Sis. Dorothy .E


I have come to return all the glory to God. I am a primary 5 teacher; and yesterday, my students wrote their entrance examination into Secondary school. Normally, my class had been tagged a class for the dull; and I had 4 children in particular that were really a source of concern. But before the exams, I handed them over to God; and after the exam yesterday, these four children came out successful, and their admission letters to secondary school were handed over to their parents. To God be the glory! ;

Sis. Eloho .O


I have come to give God all the glory, because indeed, He does not leave His people halfway. I came yesterday for soul winning, after which I stayed back for rehearsals and then went for home cell fellowship. On our way home, I started perceiving burning smell, and I looked around to check if there was a nearby burning bush. Just then, my wife drew my attention to the bonnet that was bringing out smoke. Immediately, I told my wife to step down from the car with my kids, and then I tried blowing the fire off with my mouth because I was confused. But then, God raised help for me, and the fire was put off my people around within 20minutes. Secondly, my son has been running temperature since yesterday, and I told God to heal him. During the home cell teaching yesterday, I caught a word on the healing power of faith and started applying it on my son. To the glory of God, my son is hale, hearty and in church today. I have come to appreciate God!;

Bro. Emmanuel .N


Praise the Lord! I want to thank God for His goodness upon my life and for fulfilling the prophetic word for the year in my life. For the first time last year, I had the opportunity to serve in the Shiloh committee and for the first time, I had my Shiloh sacrifice ready before the Saturday impartation service. For me, that was a breaking limits testimony. Secondly, I have been trusting God to do my master’s program, because my ultimate goal is to become a professor of law; but there has been limitations. In January, God broke all limitations and I got my admission to further my studies. Thirdly, of all my business plans, God broke limits for me in my career. And today, I have been able to start one of my own businesses. Lastly, I met with the Presiding Bishop of this commission on Thursday while he came to dedicate the BIU Legacy Campus; he shook my hand, and prayed for me. I want to appreciate breaking all protocols, and giving me that encounter. I have come to return all the glory to the great God of this commission, for all the breaking limits testimonies thus far.;

Mrs Rita .A


I have come to return all the glory to God. On Wednesday, I got a report that my brother’s daughter was sick, and was taken to the hospital. I got to the hospital and administered the communion to her, and placed the mantle on her head. Immediately, her breathing that was very abnormal, normalized and strength came back to her. I have come to appreciate God! ;

Bro. ThankGod .F


I have come to appreciate God for his faithfulness upon my life, and that of my family. In December last year, I noticed something like a boil growing in my chest area; and then I started applying shea butter to it, but it began increasing. By January, I was sent for by my mum, because of the magnitude of the swelling; it had grown so big, with so much pains, and it no longer looked like a boil. On getting home, my mum applied everything she could, but it became worse. I was rushed to the hospital, but the doctors didn’t know what to do. I went for scans and x-rays, but nothing was found there. I called our pastor who prayed for me, and told me to be applying the anointing oil; which I did. To the glory of God, I was operated upon, and I am hale and hearty today. God has delivered me! ;

Sis. Favour .O


I have come to return all the glory to the God of this commission. I have been believing God for an I.T placement for my daughter; people have been promising her, but have disappointed her. After Sunday’s service, I kept mediating on the word the pastor preached, and I keyed into every declaration he made. To God be the glory, my daughter was surprisingly given a job for her I.T, without stress. Thank you, Jesus! ;

Mrs. Victory .O


I have come to return all the glory to the God of this commission. I have been having an excruciating pain at the right side of my stomach and I have been believing God for my healing, especially all through the week of spiritual emphasis. After the communion service, the pain persisted. But by 3am the next day, I woke up and got the leading to place my mantle on the spot; which I did. Immediately, I started feeling a burning sensation all over my body. To God be the glory, all the pains ceased, thereafter. ;

Sis. Nkiru .N


I joined this commission one year ago, and God has been so faithful to me. Two weeks ago, Pastor declared that before the end of the week, we would receive good news; and I keyed into it. Before Saturday, my sister called me to tell me that she had been given her resident permit. I have come to appreciate God! ;

Sis. Cynthia .O


Praise the Lord! Last week, I was expecting a payment from a client as regards a just concluded project. This delayed a while, but yesterday, Pastor declared this week as our week of rewards. I keyed into it, and engaged in kingdom advancement prayers and sharing of the God at work bulletin. After work yesterday, I received an alert of an alarming sum; and the sender called to say that was just to appreciate me. I have come to return all the glory to the great God of this commission.  ;

Bro. Emmanuel .A


I have come to return all the glory to the God of this great commission. My husband has been long overdue for a promotion in his place of work, but was being denied of it. I ran to our daddy- Pastor Chris Iyeke, who prayed for me, counseled me and declared that God would turn our story around. Afterwards, my faith jacked back, and I told my husband that we had to take some covenant steps, like making a vow, which we did. We prayed in faith concerning his advancement, and even though it seemed as if the answer wasn’t forth coming, we persisted. While we were busy praying for advancement in my husband’s place of work, God was busy preparing a better place for my husband. Someone that my husband has never met, took it upon himself to favour my husband. He began talking to some leading companies in Nigeria on behalf of my husband. As God would have it, my husband was invited for an interview, which turned out to be an employment, with benefits three times better than his former place of work. ;

Sis. Ruth .A


It’s my year of breaking limits. I have come to appreciate God for His healing power upon my life. On Monday morning, I woke up with a chronic headache; I couldn’t even move or bend my head. This continued till Wednesday; and by Wednesday morning, I told the devil that since it was a communion service day, he had no option but to check out. I managed to go to work, and then I went for the evening communion service. I was very expectant during the service, and I knew I was going to be healed. However, after the communion, the headache remained; but before I got home, the headache was no more! Thank you, Jesus! ;

Sis. Peace .A


Praise the Lord! Sometime ago I suddenly noticed that I had a tumor growing in my body. When I came to this church for the first time, I went through the foundation class and water baptism; however, in the cause of the service, Pastor declared that any tumor growing in anyone’s body had disappeared. I believed that prophetic word. However, when I got home that Sunday, the pains from the tumor persisted; but when I woke up on Monday morning, there was no trace of the tumor again! ;

Bro. Ebenezer .G


I want to give God all the glory for divine healing. Two weeks ago, my aunty’s daughter called and told me that her mum had been in coma. When I got to my home cell (Praise home cell), I brought it up, and we all prayed for her. In less than 24hours, I got a call that she had gained consciousness. Also, the tests that were previously ran on her that showed that her condition was critical, were carried out again; but this time, there was no trace of sickness in her body anymore!;

Sis. Emeribe


Praise the Lord! In 2015, I started my master’s program and I ought to have graduated in 2017; but one of my result was withheld by the school. I took it to God in prayer, with my faith in place. Early this month, the man of God declared that anything lost in our lives, shall be recovered. I keyed into it and to the glory of God, the result that had been held for over 3years was miraculously released two weeks ago. Thank you, Jesus.;

Pauline .I


Praise the Lord! I worked somewhere before, and I was supposed to be made a consultant but was denied of that. When I inquired what the problem was, I was told that I had to go and kneel before some cabals before I would be made a consultant. I told them I would never do so, because I have a God. To God be the glory, I got another opportunity, better that where I was even working before, and today, I am now a consultant. Also, God added another year to my life on the 14th of February. ;

Dr. Samson .O.


I have come to return all the glory to God. On the 20th of October 2019, I had an accident while coming from Lagos, that claimed the lives of many and inflicted so many wounds on others; but God saved me. Secondly, while I was in the hospital, word got to me from my office that I won the competition that I was involved in, before the accident. Also, when the grand finale of the competition was held in Lagos, the overall best in Nigeria was also awarded to me. Thirdly, we just opened another new branch in Warri, and my manager came to inform me that I have been appointed as the manager of that branch. Fourthly, the doctors booked me for another surgery on my legs, but I declined. I then asked God to heal me, and even with been very shy about my crutches, I am here in the sanctuary today. Lastly, I want to appreciate God for the grace he has given me to complete my personal house. ;

Bro. Osagie .O.


I want to thank God for his faithfulness in my life. Right from my birth, I have suffered multiple affliction; but since I stepped into this assembly, God has delivered me from bleeding nose, peppery feet, itchy eyes and blurry vision. Also, for the first time, I received my own miracle alert. Thank you, Jesus! ;

Bro. Bright .I.


I have come to return all the glory to God. During the 21days of prayer and fasting, the Resident Pastor declared that minimum 1000 cars shall be counted in our Sunday worship services ; just then, the Holy Spirit ministered to me that I should share 1000 God @ work publications. I started sharing them, sometimes 80 or 100 a week; I never knew that God was preparing me to overcome sickness. I suddenly fell sick, and couldn’t even sit; I had severe pains in my buttocks. I went to the hospital, but the doctors said there was nothing wrong. I managed myself for some time, but before you know it, I couldn’t leave the house anymore. Then, I told my wife to apply the anointing oil for me, and by the next day, the thing burst open; but still it persisted. I told her to apply it again, but this time, in addition to the communion, and afterwards, she drew out two long worms out of it. That was it! No more pains. ;

Bro. Jeffery .O.


I want to give God all the glory for visiting me. I have been unable to return back to business because of financial issues. I ran to our father- the Resident Pastor for prayers, and due to the gravity of my condition, I expected him to call other pastors and conduct deliverance for me. But he prayed a short prayer for me, and I left. During the Covenant Hour of Prayer on Friday, February 14th, our father declared that we would receive surprise Valentine gifts. On getting home that day, I told God that he was my Val, and he should give me a gift, as declared by God’s servant; even as I begun to engage in kingdom advancement prayers. Behold, that day, I received a miracle alert form my brother and as if that was not enough, I received another one on Saturday. Now I can go back to business. Thank you, Jesus! ;

Sis. Sandra .O.


Praise the Lord! After last Sunday’s service, I fell into a badly covered side drain and I discovered some cuts around my right knee which left me with excruciating pains. Upon dressing the wounds, I felt in my spirit the need to apply the anointing oil, which I did. Later in the evening, I felt God’s healing power at work; and by Monday, the wound had dried up, and I could go to work. Thank you, Jesus. ;

Bro. Donald .O,


I want to thank God for my life and that of my family. I have been believing God for a miracle job, for the past 3months. God has done it! He has fulfilled his word in my life by giving me a miracle job. ;

Sis. Jessica .I


I have come to return all the glory to this wonderful God and friend. Three years ago, I was involved in a gas explosion at my work place that caused me to have 72% burns. I thought I would never make it, but see me standing here today; I am a proof of Gods faithfulness. ;

Bro Maxwell


I want to give God all the glory for confirming the word of His servant, Pastor Chris Iyeke, in my life. I give God all the glory for giving me a miracle job. ;

Sis. Rita .O


I have come to return all the glory to God! Sometime in August, I had some health challenges, that cuts my speech. I went to hospitals, but nobody could understand it; but I knew I was now losing weight, and so many other effects were coming up. I was referred to UBTH, and went for a scan; the result came out showing that I had a disease. I was told to go for further investigations, but I turned to God; and my sister also joined me in prayers. During the last all night, I came determined that an end would come to my situation, and surprisingly, a sister shared a testimony similar to mine. When I was time for sprinkling, I was very expectant. After one week, I went back for a re-test, and it all turned out negative.  ;

Sis Helen


I want to appreciate God for His mighty works in my life. For over 15years, I have been having chest pain that graduates into pain in one of my back bones. When the 21days of prayer and fasting was announced, I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to key in fully, just like the previous year. But as we started, I realized that I could go through with it daily. On the 10th day, Pastor declared in our communion service that every pain in the life of anyone will be dissolved via the communion. On getting home that day, I suddenly remembered I used to have chest pains, but they were nowhere to be found. Secondly, I used to spend part of my salary on drugs every month; but in one of our communion services in the month of December, pastor declared that any sickness in our body has come to an end. From then till now, I have been sickness free! ;

Sis. Deborah .G


I want to appreciate God, who is too faithful to fail. It all started last year October, when I fell sick; I began treating for malaria and typhoid. During the free health checkup held by the Gilead squad last year, my blood was taken for test and the result showed that my sugar level was very high; but I felt fine at this time. Before we knew it, I was rushed to the hospital, and I was placed on life support. The doctors came in with so many diagnosis, including heart failure. On the 15th of November, I passed out, and the doctors were fed up of me because it seemed like there was no hope. Our resident pastor was contacted, and a team of pastors visited and prayed for me; then I came back to life. Immediately, I was referred to UBTH, and from that 15th of November, I was on life support till 22nd of December. Miraculously, I bounced back on my feet. I have come to appreciate this good God for rescuing me from death. ;

Sis. Elizabeth .C


It is indeed our year of breaking limits! I engaged in this year’s 21days of prayer and fasting like never before. Just few days into the program, I had an urgent need to raise money for a particular program that was really important and timely; all efforts to raise the money proved abortive as I was able to realize only 40% of the required sum. During the last week of the fast, Thursday 24th January to be precise, our daddy (pastor Chris Iyeke) prophesied that within the next 48hours, someone will wake up to tears of joy; I received and believed the word. In less than 24hours, God did it! Early hours of the next day, I got a credit alert that took care of everything I needed for the project and I didn’t even have to touch the 40% I had initially raised. I have come to appreciate God for not putting me to shame. ;

Mrs. Okoruwafor


I have come to appreciate the God of this commission. On Sunday, as hands were layed on me during the impartation session, I declared that I was being empowered to break limits indeed. On my way home after the love feast that evening, I was about crossing to the other side of the road and did not notice a bus that was driving one way. The bus hit me up, and I landed on the tarred road; but God saved me, I landed safely on the road. Everyone thought I was dead, but I got up with no scratch, no internal bleeding, no broken bones. I have come to appreciate God! ;

Sis. Zion Edo


I have come to give all the glory back to God. During the 21days of fasting and prayer, I wrote down my requests; one of which was for the establishment of my brother as a footballer. On the 2nd week of the prayer and fasting, I was interceding for my brother, who had gone for an interview at the embassy. During one of the evening services, Pastor declared that our long awaited visa had been released. I recorded that prophetic declaration with my phone, and sent it to my brother; telling him to key into it and believe that he would break limits this year. After the 21days of prayer and fasting, doubt began to set in. so I rushed to see the assistant resident pastor for counselling; and to God be the glory, that same day, my brother called me that they have granted him visa to go and be a footballer in Ukraine. Praise the Lord! ;

Sis. Happiness Ivie


Praise the Lord! During the 21days of prayer and fasting, I got on a call on Saturday that my aunty was very sick. I prayed about it; and when our father anointed us, I stood on her behalf, declaring her healing. By Tuesday, I called back and I was told that she was fine. Thank you, Jesus.;

Sis. Faith


CELEBRATION OF GOD’S FAITHFULNESS I have come to return all the glory to God! Firstly, today, God has added one more year to me; He has been very faithful to me, beautified me, blessed me with a very wonderful husband, amazing children, a great job. Infact, God has been faithful!;

Dcns. Agbonlahor


I have come to return all the glory to the God of this commission. In the cause of the 21days, I had some health challenges. I couldn’t bend or lift my hands; but I told myself I wasn’t going to visit the hospital or take any medications and that I would wait on God to heal me. During the last one night with the king, I came very expectant; knowing that the last day is everybody’s day. However, during the service, I still felt the pain; but when I got home and slept, I woke up with no pains at all.;

Sis. Albert .F


I want to appreciate God for His mighty works in my life. I have always been harassed by a spirit husband since a very tender age; I have prayed and fasted, but to no avail. However, during this period of 21days prayer and fasting, at the “Enough is enough” service held on the 12th of January, our father in the house (Pastor Chris Iyeke) declared an end to any oppression by spirit husband; and since then, it stopped, never to happen again!;

Mrs .E.O


SUPERNATURAL FAVOUR VIA 21 DAYS PRAYER AND FASTING I have come to appreciate God for all he has done for me. Firstly, I want to appreciate God for adding one year to my years on the 1st day of this month. Secondly, I want to appreciate God for the journey mercies He granted to me. Thirdly, I want to thank God for rescuing me from the den of kidnappers, who held me hostage; but God used one of them to set me free. Lastly, I want to appreciate God for His favour upon my life. I came back from Lagos on Wednesday, and my friend encouraged me to be part of the ongoing fasting and prayer the next day; which I did. When I came to church on Thursday, the ushers directed me to the front to sit, and after the personal supplication session, the lady sitting by me requested for my account details. With tears in my eyes, I explained to her how I had lost everything; even my bank account. She encouraged me to get any account, and send her the details; which I did. To my greatest surprise, she credited my account, beyond my expectations; this is someone I never knew. I have come to appreciate this great God!;

Bro Okereke


SUPERNATURAL TURNAROUND VIA 21DAYS PRAYER AND FASTING I want to thank God for what he did in my life, via fasting and prayer in 2019. Last year, just before the fasting began, my brother told me to engage in it; and not come to him to borrow money for my rent. I felt so embarrassed and decided to participate in the fast.; and since then, I have been seeing Gods hand in my business. I have been getting new clients on a daily basis, and God has been taking me from glory to glory. For the first time in a long time, I lived in abundance all through 2019, without owing my house rent. Secondly, I asked God to restore my menstrual cycle before the 21days of prayer and fasting ends, and God did it, on the morning of the last day! Indeed, prayer and fasting works!;

Sis. Grace .A.O


SUPERNATURAL PROTECTION AND DELIVERANCE I have dominion! I want to appreciate this great God for delivering me in the cause of this 21days of prayer and fasting. One fateful night, I was asleep with my children when something hit me. I woke up and looked around, but I saw nothing. Suddenly, I noticed blood on my hands; then I stood up and looked around with a torch, but still I saw nothing. I woke my husband up and told him what happened, and he told me to apply the anointing oil, which I did. The next morning, my son called me to come and see something black in the toilet; and on getting there, it was a big, black snake. I appreciate God for saving me, because there was no effect from the bite. Secondly, the standing mirror in my house fell on my son, and he struggled to come out, but he couldn’t. When I saw him, I rushed to him; and to my greatest surprise, there was no scratch on him despite the shattered mirror pieces. Thank you, Jesus.;

Sis Gospel .C,


I have come to return all the glory to God! I have participated in fasting before, but I told myself I would engage in this 21days whole heartedly, and that included not going to the market to sell my goods. All through these period, I stayed at home, praying for the kingdom, and coming to church in the evening. To my greatest surprise, customers from nowhere started looking for me to buy my goods; they even started coming to my house to purchase goods. Secondly, I purchased a speaker to enhance publicity for my goods, but on installing it, I found out that the battery wore off in just 1hour; as against the 8hours I was told. I returned the speaker to the seller, but he said there was nothing he could do. So I left the speaker and the money for him; since he refused to refund. But during the 21days, I tabled the matter before God, and the man called me and gave me a brand new speaker, in addition to the one I returned!;

Sis Zion .E


I have come to return all the glory to the God of this commission for visiting me twice, this week. Last Sunday, Pastor advised all those that had not been committed to this fasting to do so this last week. I told myself that I would commit to it, and not miss any service. After the One night with the King yesterday, Papa taught on Kingdom advancement endeavors; and I told myself that I would pray only for the kingdom the remaining days. At night, the great physician visited me; although I was not sick, I saw the Almighty perform an operation on me, and he brought out several things out of my body. Secondly the Resident Pastor appeared to me in the dream, singled me out of the crowd and told me that my prayers had been answered. I thank God for this deliverance, and for answering all my prayers.;

Sis Gloria


I want to thank this great God of this commission for his great work upon my life. I got admitted into University of Benin this year, and came for my physical clearance last week Tuesday. On my way back home on Friday evening, I encountered armed robbers who robbed me of everything- my money and brand new phone, and left me with just #10. My neighbor who witnessed everything advised that I report the matter to the police station, which I did. On Sunday, I decided to rededicate my life to God, because I felt like I had lost touch with God, for such evil to befall me. I also got baptized by immersion, and by the Holy Ghost. To the glory of God, I got my phone back, exactly a week after it was stolen.  ;

Ehigbai .U


I have come to return all the glory to God for breaking 7years career stagnation in my life. I have been believing God for a change of level in my career, and I wrote it as one of my requests during Shiloh 2019. To the glory of God, few days ago I received my double change of levels!  ;

Mrs Anita


I have come to return all the glory to this good God who neither sleeps nor slumbers. I slept last night, and woke up in the morning to find out that my fuse box, the fuse and the board to which it was attached to, had completely burnt to ashes. By the side of it was my change over box and my borehole switch. But nothing happened to them. Thank you, Jesus!  ;

Mrs Akpan


I joined this commission on the 3rd of February 2019, while my business was in shambles. I went to see Pastor who opened my eyes to some revelations and also interceded for me; and then everything changed. In the month of December, which was my wife’s birth month and our wedding anniversary month, my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. It was supposed to be a very smooth birth, but, after the delivery, my wife was said to be losing a lot of blood and was rushed to the theatre. I called our daddy- Pastor Chris, who prayed for her and declared her safety. To the glory of God, after being in the theatre for more than 4hours, she came out alive. I have come to appreciate God today because mother is alive, baby is alive. Also, God has added another year to my years today.  ;

Bro. Uyiosa


I have come to return all the glory to this great God. On Tuesday evening, I was called that my senior sister had been kidnapped; and the kidnappers demanded #35million ransom. I pleaded with them, telling them that we were students, but they insisted that if I wanted to see my sister alive, I should get the money. I then called Dcns Aburime who reached out to our Resident  Pastor, and informed him all that was happening; our Resident Pastor then declared that she would be released, and that the matter was settled. To God be all the glory, on Friday night, she was released.  ;

Sis. Rhoda .O


Breaking limits! I have come to thank God for confirming the word of his servant in my life. Last month, the servant of God- Pastor Chris Iyeke, prophesied that as far as we are under this commission, none of us is permitted to die. Just yesterday while crossing the road, a vehicle hit me; and when I fell, the driver rolled his window down, looked at me on the floor, reversed his car and zoomed off. People who were around thought I had been badly injured, but to the glory of God, there wasn’t even a scratch on me. Thank you, Lord!  ;

Bro. Christopher


DIVINE EXEMPTION FROM DEATH I have come to return all the glory to the prayer answering God. During this 21days of prayer and fasting, I had a witness in my spirit to pray against premature death in my family. On the 5th day of the fast, my dad called me and said that God had just delivered my sister from death. He said that she was crossing the road that day, and just went unconscious at the centre of the road; but to God be the glory, she wasn’t hit by the oncoming vehicles.  ;

Bro. Elijah


I have come to return all the glory to God. On Friday night, I told my wife, who was pregnant, to begin preparing for the One night with the King; but she complained of pains in her stomach, so I told her to stay at home while I go to church. During the personal supplications, I told God that I needed safe delivery for my wife- mother alive, baby alive. When I got home after the all-night, she still complained of the pains, so I told her to go for checkup at the hospital, while I went to work. About an hour later, I was called from the hospital that she had put to birth. Thank you, Jesus.  ;

Bro Anthony .I


SAVED FROM STRAY BULLET Praise the Lord! I have come to return all the glory to God, who is the doer of all good things. On Friday, 17th of January, just before the One night with the King, I was in my sitting room dancing to a Frank Edward’s song; and proclaiming that congratulations was coming my way. My Mum was lying down on the floor, watching me dance to the prophetic song; but just as she stood up, she felt a sharp pain at her back. I brought out the anointing oil and anointed her. But even after that, she still insisted that she was in serious pain, and it felt like something had hit her. So, I looked around, and surprisingly found a bullet. I started looking around to find out where it came from and found a hole in the ceiling. I quickly went downstairs to find out from my neighbors if there had been gunshots, but they said they didn’t hear anything. I was so surprised because I had previously heard a loud sound like that of a knockout; but nobody claimed to hear it. I have come to return all the glory to God for sparing my life, and that of my Mother.  ;

Imasuen Anthonia


I have come to return all the glory to the God. Last Sunday, during the service, our Pastor declared that someone will receive an alert of a Hundred million. I went home that day with excitement, telling everyone that I would soon receive my alert, and I would share money to them after seeing my Pastor. During the week, my Sister and Brother sent me money to complete their ongoing projects. While on that, just two days back, someone that I am not even related to, gave me a 50 by 100 plot of land at Sapelle road, for free; at no cost at all! ;

Bro Isaiah Monday


During the Pre-Shiloh encounter last week, I was in a hurry to leave; but my friend encouraged me to stay. For the past 3years, I have lost contact with my father; and my desire during the Pre-Shiloh service was for my father to come back. Lo, and behold, just this morning, I received a message from my dad, begging and apologizing to me. I want to thank God for finally granting me my request! ;

Sis Blessing .A


Praise the Lord! Last Sunday, during the Pre-Shiloh encounter service, Pastor told us to raise our phones in readiness to receive miracle alerts. I raised both my phone, and my ATM card; and from Monday to Friday, I have been receiving alerts! ;

Sis Gladys


I have come to return all the glory to the God for his hand upon my life. Firstly, I did a job and my payment has long been with-held. However, after the last Pre-Shiloh encounter service, I was called on Monday morning to come to the Government house. And to the glory of God all pending payments were made, and even extra was given to me. Secondly, during the last Pre-Shiloh encounter service, Pastor asked us to raise our phones up, as a point of contact for miracle alerts. Since that day, I have been receiving alerts, alerts and alerts! ;

Sis Mercy


Praise the Lord! I was in a relationship; and immediately after proposal, my husband-to-be came and said a prophet told him that I was going to kill him after marriage. To this end, all wedding preparations were stopped. But after the Pre-Shiloh encounter service two weeks ago, where our Pastor declared every broken relationship restored, he called me, and started apologizing. He even apologized to my Mum too, and said he was coming back on the 28th of December to continue with the wedding plans. Secondly, after the last Pre-Shiloh encounter service, I received an alert. ;

Sis Jennifer


I have come to appreciate God for his mighty deeds in my life. After last Sunday’s Pre-Shiloh encounter service, I decided to take a walk home; not knowing that someone was waiting for me at the junction. On getting there, I saw him and waved at him; but when I got home, I had the leading to call him. He told me to meet him up at the deputy Governor’s office the next morning with my CV, that there was a job opening and he was ready to do anything possible for me to get it. I have come to appreciate God for settling me at last! ;

Sis Ihuoma Uche Duru


I have come to testify of the goodness of God in my life. During the Pre-Shiloh encounter service of last Sunday, Pastor admonished us to just let it all out. Immediately, I started crying, I didn’t even know why I was crying. I then made my way to the altar and while I was being prayed for I felt chains breaking off my hands and legs; I felt free. Meanwhile, for about four years now, I don’t remember my dreams when I wake up and I also find it very difficult to sleep because of the terrific and scary encounters I have at night. But after that ministration on Sunday, I now sleep in peace and remember my dreams. ;

Sis. Nwachukwu Peace


Praise God! As a widow, I have been troubled as to how my house rent will be paid. However, during the Pre-Shiloh encounter service last week, Pastor asked that all those desiring something from God should come out. By Friday, I got an alert that was far above what I needed for the house rent. Secondly, Pastor declared that every business stagnated will suddenly take a New turn; I knew that was me. To the glory of God, my business has been restored! ;

Mrs Chukodi


Praise the Lord! Last Sunday at the Pre-Shiloh Encounter Service,Pastor asked that people who look pregnant, but know they are actually not pregnant, should come out. I came out, and on my way back to my seat, I started feeling a very sharp pain in my stomach. For the past two years of marriage, I have had different issues. I was told I had hormonal imbalance and ovarian cyst; and I would never see my period, not to talk of getting pregnant. But immediately, I started feeling my flow; after two years!  ;

Sis Olanike


I have come to appreciate God for blessing the works of my hands.  A few weeks back, on my way back from work, I had a leading to stop by in the church to pray. Initially, I wanted to drop my make-up box somewhere, but the Spirit told me to come with it. Ever since that day I dropped that box on the altar, my work took a new turn. I now get work to the point that I choose which is convenient for me to handle. Secondly, I noticed that anytime I wake up at night to pray, I start seeing corpses when I close my eyes; so I started praying against the spirit of death. One day, my mum called and told us that my brother encountered armed robbers on his business trip. The robbers were shooting sporadically; so he ran into the bush, but fell and had a dislocation. I have come to appreciate God for sparing and preserving his life.  ;

Sis Amres .O


I have dominion! Yesterday, I travelled to Okpella for a wedding coverage. On our way back at night, our vehicle bumped into a pot hole as a result of the bright headlamps of the truck that was driving towards us. Our vehicle somersaulted for some time before gaining stability, but there was no death or injury. Thank you, Jesus!;

Osunde Emmanuel


I want to thank the God of this commission for his divine provision. Last year, I made up my mind to save up for my school fees; since I was in session. As at Shiloh, I had just #15,000; and I decided to give it all as my Shiloh sacrifice. Just before the commencement of my exams, God supernaturally provided #95,000 for me; to cover all the fees.;

Mrs Obasohan Laura


Praise the Lord! I was diagnosed with ovarian cyst in the month of September, and was told to get ready for surgery to get it off. I had already paid for the surgery before the Pre-Shiloh encounter night was announced. During the service I wrote my request for healing from the ovarian cyst. Surprisingly, before the close to the all-night by Saturday, I felt relieved and perfectly fine. Immediately after the encounter night, I went for a re-scan, and the ovarian cyst was nowhere to be found. Just as I was about leaving the hospital, where I went to for my scan, the nurse somehow cajoled me into taking an injection; even when I told her I was fine. Immediately I took the injection, my whole system changed, and before I knew it, I was an emergency case at Lily hospital. I was weak, vomiting and was almost rejected by the hospital. I was however told that I had to run some kidney tests; at that point I ran to the Resident Pastor who prayed for me, blessed the anointing oil and the communion for me. As soon as I partook of them, I received strength, and had no reason to go back to the hospital for any test or drug.;

Mrs Osagiede harrison,


I have come to return all the glory to God. Last week, Pastor declared that we shall hear good news; and I didn’t know that he was talking to me. When I got home, my friend called me that she was traveling out of the country for vacation, and said she wanted me to accompany her. To the glory of God, all my expenses were covered, I went and returned safely.  ;

Victory .E


I have dominion! Last month, I suddenly started having hotness in my body; especially my stomach. I told my husband about it, and he encouraged me to go to the hospital for checkup. On getting there, I was told to run some tests and scan; of which the result showed that I had stomach ulcer. I refused the report, and started declaring my healing. During the anointing service of last Sunday, I prayed with all my heart, asking God to take the stomach ulcer away; and I vowed to return to share my testimony on the altar. Throughout the week, I kept applying the anointing oil on my stomach and making declarations of my healing. Lo, and behold, the stomach ulcer is gone! There is no pain, and no trace of it anymore. To God be the glory!;

Mrs Blessing Ikponmwonsa,


I have come to return all the glory to the God of this commission. About a week ago, I noticed that I suddenly started going deaf and I could barely hear anything. However, my Mum told me to apply faith; since I have always been known as a woman of faith. So, while preparing for Sunday’s service, I placed a demand on the service, and my functionality in his house; I told God that I cannot serve in hospitality unit and still be deaf. To the glory of God, as soon as the praise session began, my ears popped open, and I can now hear clearly. Secondly, last Sunday, Pastor said that as a child of God, God  shows you things that will happen ahead of time. I suddenly remembered that I had been experiencing that before, so I decided to tap into it again. That night, I had a revelation about an issue that was going to cause my company to lose a lot of money. But by morning, I already knew what to do by that revelation, and my company was saved from all forms of losses. Lastly, God will be adding a year to my years this week, to him alone be all the Glory.;

Osaretin Efe .I,


I have come to return all the glory to the God of this commission. Last month, I and my family came to the altar to pray; and God has showed up in our lives. I have been desiring a good job for a very long time, and God has done it for me! I have been blessed with a miracle job.  ;

Esther Anthony


I want to thank the God for his faithfulness. I have been praying to God, for ideas for a good job; and he gave me. However, I had issues with finances. I told God, and received a prompting to talk to my dad about it. Usually, when I ask him for money, he gives me half of it. But one morning after the Pre-Shiloh encounter service, he chatted me up, and asked how much I needed. After giving him the breakdown, he agreed to give me the money for my shop first, which was far above what I initially asked from him. As we were still talking, I got the alert! I have come to return all the glory to God!;

Aisha .A


I have come to return all the thanks to this Almighty God. Last Sunday during the Pre-Shiloh encounter service, Pastor announced that all those who desired something should come out; which I did. I have been believing God for my house rent for some time now, and in just two days, God gave me a miracle alert of my house rent through my second son. Secondly, for over 4years, I have harbored bitterness and hatred over someone who betrayed me. But during the last Sunday’s Pre--Shiloh encounter service, Pastor prophesied that God would be setting someone free. Suddenly, I found myself deep in tears, and ran to the altar. As soon as Pastor placed his hands on me, I felt every anger, bitterness and hatred leave me. Today, I am free! Glory to God!;

Sis. Paulina


Praise the Lord! Just as the choir was about to start praises, Pastor declared that someone would receive a miracle alert; I took my phone and shouted “Amen”. Immediately after that declaration, I put on my phone, and received an alert. I have come to return all the glory to God!;

Sis Stephanie


I have come to return all the glory and honour to God, who is too faithful to fail. Last Sunday, during the Pre-Shiloh service, Pastor announced that whoever desires something should come out; I came out, and he prayed for me. I have desired a change of job, and just like the dream of the night, within two days, God did it for me. Thank you, Jesus!;

Friday. I


Praise the Lord! I have come to return all the glory to God for his miraculous healing I received. On Friday, 15th November, I went to work and returned back peacefully without any sign of pain; however, when I woke up at night, I realized I couldn’t turn myself. I suddenly felt a strong and sharp pain in my stomach, and my body temperature was very high. I managed to gather strength and reached for my bible where I had a mantle, which was blessed on the last day of WOFBI. As soon as I applied the mantle on my stomach, strength began to flow through in me. I started declaring “Jesus the healer is here”, and began to pray in tongues. To the glory of God, all pains and discomfort suddenly disappeared. To God be all the glory!;

Linus .E


I have Dominion. I have come to return all the glory to the God of this commission, on behalf of my son. Sometime ago, we noticed that our second son was having difficulty in breathing at night. We thought it was normal cold, so we administered some drugs to him. However, the situation became worse and we took him to the hospital. The doctors checked him, and diagnosed him with tonsillar enlargement; they also told us that the only remedy was surgery. Prior to the time of the surgery, I started having encounters with our father, Pastor Chris Iyeke, in my dream. So, I took my son to see the Resident Pastor, and after he prayed for him, I felt relaxed. To the glory of God, the surgery was successful, and God granted my son, very speedy recovery.;

Obaseki Johnson


I have come to return all the glory to the God of this commission, who has never failed me since I joined this family. I traveled out last since 2010, and things have been so difficult for me; I was even unable to renew my visa. However, on the first Pre-Shiloh encounter service, our Resident Pastor asked that anyone in search of anything should come out; so I did, and he declared that my visa has been released. First thing Monday morning, I received an email, and on Tuesday, I was sent a message to come and collect my visa. Thank you, Jesus!;

Sis Uwa


Praise the Lord! The journey that started six years ago, in Ambrose Ali University, Faculty of Law, just ended. I went to the Nigerian Law school, to take the bar exam. On the first Pre-Shiloh encounter service, Pastor said all those with expectations should come out; I came out with the expectation of passing that exam. To God be all the glory, He did it for me! I passed the exam, and passed it well; where so many people failed, God made me very successful. I have come to appreciate God!;

Sis Ogomma


Last Sunday, Pastor told us to drop our point of contact to our businesses on the floor. I have been having lower abdominal pain and ceased menstrual flow since 2016, so I quickly wrote my desired healing on a piece of paper and dropped it on the floor, as my point of contact. During the Pre-Shiloh encounter service, my menstrual flow miraculously began, and completed its cycle with ease.;

Sis Precious .A


I want to thank the God of this commission, who never fails for his unending intervention in my life, and in my family. After a wonderful and miraculous escape from a robbery attack on Wednesday last week, our Resident Pastor visited my home and declared that there shall be no loss. On Saturday morning, the spray painter, whom I gave my car to for minor repairs, called me to report that the car was snatched from him at gun point, by 9:30pm on Friday night. Again, the Resident Pastor (Pastor Chris) declared that there shall be no loss and the car would be recovered. After service last Sunday, I received a call from my nephew that the car had been found, and the four robbers were arrested. Praise the Lord!;

Bro. Oseyi


I have come to return all the thanks to this Almighty God who makes all things beautiful in his time. I have been buffeted by an affliction of frequent urination, as a result of a dream I had many years ago. I have been through different tests and scans, but nothing was found wrong; yet I kept urinating frequently and losing weight unexplainably. I however kept engaging in kingdom endeavors, and told myself that the condition would not stop me from serving God. On Thursday, I went out as usual, for my personal outreach and to share fliers. I had hardly stepped out when I started feeling the urge to urinate. At that point, I told God that I will urinate until I had finished sharing the fliers; and that was it. To the glory of God, I didn’t urinate until I came back, and I did so at my convenient time. God be praised!;

Stella George


I have dominion! I have been leaving in my uncle’s house, where I still pay rent. However, when he died, trouble increased, as his brothers kept disturbing me. It became so serious that one of our family members harassed me, insulted me and even threatened to get people to rape me to death. I had to come and see our Resident, Pastor Chris Iyeke who prayed for me and anointed me. I have been hearing testimonies on how God granted others favour, and provided them with accommodation; but I had just #1000 on me. However, God did it for me, and provided a room and parlor for me. I received a first alert, but was left with #70,000 to balance up. On Wednesday morning after the Covenant Hour of Prayer service, I had a leading to go and roll on the altar seven times, which I did. That same day, I received an alert of #70,000. I have come to return all the glory to God!;

Princess Gloria


I have come to return all the glory to the only faithful God. On Friday afternoon, God saved my husband from a fatal accident along Lagos-Benin  road. The vehicle he was driving was accosted by armed robbers, who shot at the tire of their vehicle, causing it to burst. As a result, the vehicle ran into a valley and somersaulted more than eight times. However, my husband came out unhurt, and with no scratch. Indeed, there shall be no loss!;

Mrs Joy. I


Praise the Lord! I have come to thank the God of this commission for giving me peace, joy and rest of mind. For years, I have been passing through several challenges. We were about 17 princesses in the marine kingdom, passing through this; we sought for help from various places, all to no avail. I gave my life to Christ, and my daughter encouraged me to start attending this church; but since I was one of the heads in the marine kingdom, they refused to let me go and I began facing strange attacks. I noticed that when I am driving, a heap of sand from nowhere would pour of my face and eyes, disrupting my vision and causing me to stop the car. I also couldn’t sleep at night; but after I encountered the man of God, back then in Abuja, that yoke was destroyed. However, God gave me final victory during the Pre-Shiloh Encounter  Night .  As soon as I was sprinkled with the blood, I felt an electric shock inside of me, and that was the end of every attack and oppression.I am now free!;

Princess .A,


I have come to return all the glory to God. Last week, I went to the saloon to wash and weave my hair. After I was done, I noticed that my head began to ache and itch, as well as a strange movement sensation. I tried managing it, but it persisted. On Tuesday, I was compelled to lose the hair, because of the level of discomfort. After losing it, I washed it and wove it myself; but the strange movement remained. Just before the blood of sprinkling, at the Pre-Shiloh Encounter Night  on Friday, the strange movement came again, but as soon as I was sprinkled with the blood, it all ceased and I had peace. I have come to appreciate God!;

Osifo Blessing


Dominion greetings, in Jesus name. Last week Sunday evening, I went with my 8year old son to pack my late sisters things, at Ekewhan road. I took a cab, and on getting there, I told the cab driver to assist me with the things; unknowing to me, the man left the car keys in the car.  Suddenly, I heard a loud shout; and when I came out of the house, my son had moved the car. The removed the caravan, behind the car, and God miraculously stopped the car. To God be the glory, nothing happened to my son! Secondly, at about 11pm on Wednesday night, I heard my neighbor shouting my name; I jumped up immediately from bed, and she told me that there was smoke coming out of my apartment. When I ran out with my children, we noticed that it was coming from my husband’s room. But to the glory of God, my husband was not around, and we decided not to sleep there that night, because the ceiling fan developed a strange noise. Although the bed and other items in the room got burnt, I want to appreciate God for saving my family from fire incident. May God’s name be praised!;

Sis .O. Dele


I have come to return all the glory unto God who has been too faithful to me, and has changed my story. For a long time, I was staying with my elder brother; and for some reasons, I wasn’t comfortable anymore. I cried unto God at Shiloh, and God did it! A woman came to my shop and said she heard I was looking for a house. However, I could not afford the place; because the money I had was to be used to fund my business. But to the glory of God, I met with the woman’s family, and I was given a three bedroom flat in GRA for free; the house came fully furnished, and even stocked with foodstuffs. I have also come to appreciate God for his favour I have been enjoying from January till date. Praise the Lord!;

Ese Ero Osemwinge


I have come to return all the glory to God. For four years after my graduation, I have been stagnated in my career. However, when testimonies of miracle jobs are being shared, I always keyed into them, and told God to make me a partaker too. Severally, recommendations came, but something would just arise, and the deal would be broken. However, our daddy prophesized severally concerning miracle jobs, and I keyed into them. To the glory of God, last week I was called to receive my miracle job. Thank you, Jesus!;

Oriakhi Jasmine


I have come to return the glory to this great God. I joined this commission in 2007, back then in Kaduna. The resident pastor there told us that if we camped with God here for three months, and our stories did not change, we should leave. It wasn’t even up to three months for me, and things started working. I have been believing God for a change of job; and last week when I came to church, I was bothered about it. However, when the Ibo coral group ministered, I danced, and my spirit was lifted. Then our daddy prophesized that people would receive change of jobs. That same day, God started working! I received a call from a man who said he wanted to change my job for me; I told him it wasn’t going to be easy, as I had a huge sum of money to settle at my working place. But to the glory of God, this man settled it!;

Nicodemus Nicholas


I have come to appreciate God for confirming the word of his servant in my life. During the 21days of prayer and fasting, Gods servant said we should prophetically write down our wedding dates. I wanted to write my choice, but the spirit of God prompted me to write an earlier date; out of fear and doubt, I refused. Later on, I went to see Gods servant, who was then our resident pastor in Abuja, and after explaining certain things to him, he told me to go home and pray in the spirit for two nights; which I did. Two weeks later, my husband, who had not even being in the country for almost 10years, showed up. He wanted everything done in a short time, but I was scared. Surprisingly, we got married gloriously, in that same month that the Holy Spirit gave me promptings to write. Today, I’m no more a single lady. Also, I want to appreciate God for adding another year to my years.;

Mrs Vera Awele


I want to appreciate God for what he has done for me. My wife was long due for delivery, but nothing was forth coming; however, we believed God. On Friday by 1am, she went into labour. On getting there, we saw so many women who were having a hard time delivering their babies. My wife however, went into the delivery room, praising God; and to God be the glory she brought forth our child successfully.;

David Ogbono


I have come to return all the glory to God Almighty who promoted me in my office. Since 2017, I have been due for promotion, but the enemy stood on my way. However, God servant kept prophesying promotions, and I knew it was me! On Monday, my promotion finally came. Glory to God!;

Tina Ifada


I want to return all the glory to God for all he has done in my life, and that of my family. Throughout this year, I have been struggling and battling with life; things have been very rough, and it seemed as nothing good was working in my life. On Thursday 17th October, I went to see the Resident pastor, and discussed my situation with him. Pastor asked him what I wanted him to do for me, and I told him to pray for me so that things will begin to work out for my good. Pastor prayed for me, anointed my hands and said, “It is settled, go and experience miracles”. That same day, by 10pm, I received a call of good news. The next day, after covenant hour of prayer, I received another call of good news; and by afternoon, I received yet another call of good news. Indeed, this is a week of good news!;

Engr. Joshua, LFC GRA.


I have come to appreciate God for adding one more year to my years, yesterday I turned 40.;

Sis Eromosele .R, LFC GRA.


I travelled to Makurdi for my brother’s wedding, and came back mon Thursday. On my way back, I encountered an accident. An empty tanker fell, and hit our bus; causing it to spin and compress. To God be the glory, we all came out of the bus; but as we stepped forward to attend to an injured lady, the bus entered into reverse, fell into a ditch and tumbled three times. People around began to wonder how we all came out alive. I have come to return all the glory to God!;

Israel .E, LFC GRA.


All these while, I have stopped praying for myself; in fact, I don’t have the urge to pray for myself anymore, just the kingdom. I’m a real estate consultant, and I have been believing God for more clients. After Sunday’s covenant day of open doors service, I was very expectant; and suddenly. God showed up. After Wednesdays service, Papa declared no more dryness for contractors, consultants, and every business; I shouted “Amen”. The following day, I got a call from a sister, telling me that one of her church members needs my service. Lo, and behold, the man called on Thursday, 23rd of February, and told me that he wanted to start up a real estate firm, and that my service was needed urgently. We met on Saturday, 25th of February, and after much discussions, I got the consulting job. I have come to return all the glory to God, who alone can do what no man can do.;

Mrs Sobowale Funke.


Praise the Lord! The God of Winners is a faithful God! Today, my quadruplets are one; they are healthy, strong, and God has provided everything for them. God turned me from a rejected stone to a chief corner stone. He has announced me internationally and decorated me, by the arrival of these children. Also, I want to appreciate God for adding another year to my years. My children came October 4th, while my birthday is October 3rd. The God of our father, Bishop Oyedepo is indeed a great God.;

Mrs Mabel Aye, LFC GRA.


I have come to return all glory to God who is too faithful to fail, on my way to warri yesterday the vehicle I entered got into a fatal accident and everyone in the bus kept shouting the name of” jesus” continuously , but I just said “jesus” once because I remembered the word of our father in the house that said just one “jesus” is enough. I want to give God all the glory because no life was lost. Praise the lord;

Sis Vivian Afoke


I want to appreciate God for terminating 8 years barreness from the life of my elder sister. during Shiloh 2018, I took her case to God in prayers and also connected to testimonies shared on the altar. I have come to give God thanks because come year 2019 my sister conceived. Praise the lord.;

Bro Uwaifo Kelly Uwadiae


Praise the lord, I want to appreciate the lord for healing me, I have been having pains on my ankle for 3 days, during the service when the resident pastor was leading the praise session, I started dancing suddenly I noticed the pain had disappeared. I have come to thank God for healing me.;

Sis Blessing Osifo


I have dominion, last Sunday after the service, my phone went missing, several calls were made to the phone but no response. I decided to go home and went to God in prayers all I said was” God I just paid my tithe therefore my phone cannot go missing”. An hour later I made a call to the phone and a brother answered, he said since he picked the phone, he had not had peace of mind and requested I come get the phone from him. I have come to thank the God of this commission.;

Mrs Emeribe 


I have dominion, I want thank God for making me a graduate. Secondly God has terminated a 4-year career stagnation, he gave me a job without an interview. I have come to return all glory to God. Praise the lord;

Sis Gina Osayogie


I want to return all the glory to God for delivering me from cancer, today I am perfectly fine. Also, I want to thank God for delivering me from the fire accident. Thirdly, I want to thank God for healing me from bleeding in my anus, after Pastor prayed for me, and lastly, God gave me a miracle job.;

Bro Success


I have come to testify to the goodness of God, and appreciate him for delivering me from herdsmen. I embarked on a journey to see my mum, and while in the vehicle, I heard gunshots. To my greatest surprise, the person sitting next to me was shot dead; then it dawned on me that they were shooting at us. Something spoke to me and said I should escape through the window, which I did. I then crossed to the other side of the road and entered the bush. Later on, I noticed that I was feeling very dizzy, not knowing that I had been shot at my back earlier on. Suddenly, I heard voices telling me to come out of the bush. I managed to crawl out, and was immediately rushed to the teaching hospital, in Asaba. On getting to the hospital, I was left unattended to and had to wait for my mum and my sister’s husband to come and pick me up to another hospital; where I was immediately operated upon to remove the AK 47 bullet. After the surgery, my PCV was checked, since I had lost a lot of blood. As God would have it, my PCV was 34%. I have come to appreciate God for sparing my life, I am standing here today, whole and with no broken bones.;

Sis Jennifer


I have come to appreciate God for all he has done. I applied for my HND program, in Mechanical engineering, at Auchi Polytechnic. When the admission lists were released, my name was not on it; I was told this was because ladies were not given my desired course. But in this month of praise, I engaged the mystery of praise; and just yesterday, I had a conviction to check my admission status online. On checking the list, I saw that only 8names were on the second batch; having 6guys and 2ladies. To the glory of God, I happened to be one of the ladies. To God be the glory!;

Sis Faith


I have dominion! Last month, my husband woke up in the morning, and just collapsed in the kitchen; and before the end of the day, he was on admission to the hospital. After so many tests, it was seen that his PCV was 19%, with no logical explanations as to why it was so low. After some days, his case became so critical that he had to be transferred to another hospital; and in that process, he passed out right in front of me. I thought I had lost him, but God showed up! He was revived, placed on oxygen, and by the following day, he was rushed to UBTH. On getting there, God showed up! God sent his saints to attend to, and pray with my husband. A member of this church admonished me to engage the mystery of praise, to see God in action. That evening, we danced round my husband’s picture. To the glory of God, today, my husband is hale and hearty.;

Mrs Faith


Last month, my baby was sick. On getting to the hospital, he was diagnosed with fever and was treated. However, two weeks ago, he became sick again and was taken back to the hospital where the same drugs were prescribed for him, and no improvement was seen. We were however referred to Central hospital, where we were told that our baby was dying. We were told to run a PCV test, which showed 8%, and so we were told to buy blood. Despite the result, we administered the communion to him and began to pray. On the fifth day, the PCV test was repeated it had gone up to 20%. Our son was discharged but was told to return after 3days. When we went for the checkup, the PCV had dropped to 19& again, and this time I told my wife to keep administering the communion to him. To God be the glory, 3days after, we went back to repeat the test, and the PCV was 30%. Also, on Tuesday, our marriage was 3years. Hallelujah!;

Mr & Mrs Bello Omorodion


I have come to appreciate God, who gave me an opportunity to work with the government. In the cause of the project, I had several accidents, I was robbed and I broke down. But to God be all the glory, today, I have successfully completed the project.;

Bro Anthony


I have come to appreciate the God of this commission. There is a certain product I have been trying to sell for over a year now, all my efforts have yielded no results. But on day two of the spiritual week of emphasis, the pastor shared a similar testimony of a man who had been struggling to sell his car; but after meeting with him, he sold the car at a very high rate. On getting home, I keyed into that testimony, and spoke to the product, and applied the mystery of the blood of sprinkling. Just the next day, I received an order from someone, and today the product has been sold. To God be the glory!;

Sis. Ehi


Three months ago, we were at a village in Ika South LGA for a crusade, and a sister told me of her ordeal with two rats in her room, which she had not been able to kill for the past two years; strangely, in the cause of these two years, she had been looking for the fruit of the womb. All these started to cause tension between her and her husband. But the Holy Spirit gave me direction on how to deal with the issue. I told her to go to Winners chapel and buy anointing, oil and the communion; which she did. On my departure from that village, I encouraged her to continue in that winners chapel, as we await her testimony. To the glory of God, she called me on Sunday, that the rats had disappeared mysteriously, and she is now confirmed pregnant!;

Dcn. Victor


Before now, I was always pursued by masquerade in my dreams; this experience began 11years ago but became frequent in November 2011. The persons behind the masquerade, as revealed to me in December 2011, were my uncle, my stepmother, and my step sister. I took advantage of that 21days prayer and fasting, to report them to the God of vengeance. On Monday, January 16th, I received a phone call from my dad that my uncle was dead; he died suddenly in the morning. From the day my uncle died, I started receiving phone calls from people that had abandoned me in the past, inquiring about my well-being. Glory be to the God of vengeance!;

Bro. Simeon.


I have come to return all the glory to God for what he did in the life of my daughter. She didn’t meet up to the cut off mark for the federal university, and my husband and I looked out some private universities but were very expensive. We, however, made up our minds to send her to a private university, since we didn’t want her to stay at home for another extra year. While believing God for a financial breakthrough, we did nothing but to wait. It then dawned on me that we were going about it the wrong way. So, I met with the resident pastor who encouraged me to act in faith, by going to take up the admission form for our desired university, and then God would step in. indeed, it was so! After picking the forms, finance came from where we never expected, my daughter got the admission, and now she’s in school. Praise the Lord!;

Sis Ogboru


I have come to return all the glory to God. Yesterday, after the Covenant hour of prayer, I informed the pastor that I was traveling to Uromi for my niece’s wedding. He then prayed with me. Just before Uromi, while I was driving at about 100km, a car ran across my lane and suddenly stopped. Although I applied my brakes, the car was still in motion. I had to drive out of the road, into the bush, where I stopped right in front of a ditch. Also, on our way back, just before the depot at Benin-Agbor road, a car hit me from behind. I became unconscious for some time, and thank God, I and my little niece were on our seat belts. Although the car was damaged seriously, I have come to thank God for sparing my life and that of my little niece.;

Bro Daniel