1, Ihama Road, Off Adesuwa Road, GRA, Benin City Edo State.

It is what you say you will see, therefore, mind what you say. Psalms 118:17 (KJV) – “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord”.

  1. Free yourself from the fear of death, because fear torments people and is a gateway of the devil into anybody’s life. Job 3:24-25 (KJV) – (24) “For my sighing cometh before I eat, and my roarings are poured out like the waters. (25) For the thing which I greatly feared has come upon me, and that which I was afraid of comes unto me”.

Those who fear death will always see death, refuse to allow the devil an inroad into your life through fear. Faith invites God, fear invites the devil.