1, Ihama Road, Off Adesuwa Road, GRA, Benin City Edo State.

I have come to give God all the glory, because indeed, He does not leave His people halfway. I came yesterday for soul winning, after which I stayed back for rehearsals and then went for home cell fellowship. On our way home, I started perceiving burning smell, and I looked around to check if there was a nearby burning bush. Just then, my wife drew my attention to the bonnet that was bringing out smoke. Immediately, I told my wife to step down from the car with my kids, and then I tried blowing the fire off with my mouth because I was confused. But then, God raised help for me, and the fire was put off my people around within 20minutes.
Secondly, my son has been running temperature since yesterday, and I told God to heal him. During the home cell teaching yesterday, I caught a word on the healing power of faith and started applying it on my son. To the glory of God, my son is hale, hearty and in church today.
I have come to appreciate God!