1, Ihama Road, Off Adesuwa Road, GRA, Benin City Edo State.


I want to return all the glory to God for all he has done in my life, and that of my family. Throughout this year, I have been struggling and battling with life; things have been very rough, and it seemed as nothing good was working in my life. On Thursday 17th October, I went to see the Resident pastor, and discussed my situation with him. Pastor asked him what I wanted him to do for me, and I told him to pray for me so that things will begin to work out for my good. Pastor prayed for me, anointed my hands and said, “It is settled, go and experience miracles”. That same day, by 10pm, I received a call of good news. The next day, after covenant hour of prayer, I received another call of good news; and by afternoon, I received yet another call of good news.

Indeed, this is a week of good news!