1, Ihama Road, Off Adesuwa Road, GRA, Benin City Edo State.

I have come to return all the glory to God for what he did in the life of my daughter. She didn’t meet up to the cut off mark for the federal university, and my husband and I looked out some private universities but were very expensive. We, however, made up our minds to send her to a private university, since we didn’t want her to stay at home for another extra year. While believing God for a financial breakthrough, we did nothing but to wait. It then dawned on me that we were going about it the wrong way. So, I met with the resident pastor who encouraged me to act in faith, by going to take up the admission form for our desired university, and then God would step in. indeed, it was so! After picking the forms, finance came from where we never expected, my daughter got the admission, and now she’s in school.

Praise the Lord!