1, Ihama Road, Off Adesuwa Road, GRA, Benin City Edo State.


Praise the Lord! I have come to appreciate God because on the 6th of January this year, I would have been a dead man; I had a terrible accident, on my way to Benin, that claimed the lives of 3 people that were in the same vehicle with me. According to the rescue team, they would have added me to the corpses being taken to the mortuary, until someone looked and noticed I was still breathing. When I woke up in the hospital, I overheard the nurses saying that I would not last the next 30 minutes, but I held strong to God’s word and my assurance of longevity in Christ.

I was however badly wounded. My right hand pulled off from the socket, came out of the ankle and was somewhere around my abdomen. At the same time, my PCV dropped to 13% and immediately. I was transfused with 1pint of blood and miraculously, the PCV rose to 31%.

But I have come to appreciate God because today, I am strong, hale, hearty and using the right hand that got disconnected. Also, God will be adding another year to my years tomorrow.

Thank you, Jesus!