1, Ihama Road, Off Adesuwa Road, GRA, Benin City Edo State.


I have come to return all the thanks to this Almighty God who makes all things beautiful in his time.

I have been buffeted by an affliction of frequent urination, as a result of a dream I had many years ago. I have been through different tests and scans, but nothing was found wrong; yet I kept urinating frequently and losing weight unexplainably. I however kept engaging in kingdom endeavors, and told myself that the condition would not stop me from serving God.

On Thursday, I went out as usual, for my personal outreach and to share fliers. I had hardly stepped out when I started feeling the urge to urinate. At that point, I told God that I will urinate until I had finished sharing the fliers; and that was it.

To the glory of God, I didn’t urinate until I came back, and I did so at my convenient time. God be praised!